Tuesday 16 December 2014

Pictured: Hero Of Sydney Siege And Hostage Killed During Lindt Cafe Crisis

One was a mother of three barrister, the other was the manager of Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Sydney who tried to tackle a lone gunman.

Yesterday they were confirmed dead as a siege in the city finally came to an end.

Ms Dawson, 38, had nipped in for a coffee near her offices in the central business district and was described by Jane Needham, president of the New South Wales Bar Association as ‘one of our best and brightest barristers who will be greatly missed by her colleagues and friends.’

Mr Johnson is being cited as a hero for sacrificing himself while trying to tackle gunman Man Horan Monis.

Four people were taken to hospital following the 16-hour siege, including a police officer with facial wounds from gunshot pellets.

Shortly after laying flowers near the scene, prime minister Tony Abbott labelled radical group Islamic State a ‘death cult’ and told a press conference there were questions to be answered over why Monis was freed on bail.

He said: ‘This has been an absolutely appalling and ugly incident – that’s the only way to describe it. Our hearts go out to the families of Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson. These were decent ordinary people who were going about their ordinary lives.

‘Decent, innocent people who were caught up in the sick fantasy of a deeply disturbed individual.’

He added Monis had ‘certainly had been well known to the Australian Federal Police … but I don’t believe that he was on a terror watch list at this time.’

Police deputy commissioner Catherine Burn told reporters today the gunman was ‘unstable’.

She said: ‘He was on bail and in terms of that matter, his movements will form part of the critical investigation.

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