Tuesday 23 December 2014

Jealous Teen Admits To Murdering Pregnant Woman She Met On Facebook, Cutting Baby From Her Womb.

Police in Mexico say 17-year-old Guadalupe Salinas Hernandez murdered an 8-months pregnant woman and cut the baby from her womb so she could kidnap the unborn child.

The victim, Nathaly Cartas Leon, 20, had been preparing the nursery for her baby when she came across Hernandez, who was selling some nursery items on Facebook. The two arranged to meet at Hernandez’s house. According to reports,  as soon as the very pregnant Leon walked through the door, Hernandez hit over the head with a blunt object and stabbed her several times.

Once Leon was dead, Hernandez reportedly did the unthinkable and cut the the baby from the victim’s womb out of “jealousy.”

Although Leon had been reported missing, the case broke when Hernandez showed up at the hospital with Leon’s baby, claiming she had given birth to a stillborn baby.

The New York Daily News reports, that “doctors quickly realized that she was not the mother as she claimed of the child, and also that the baby had not died a natural birth but that it had suffocated in the womb after the death of its mother.”

Hernandez confessed the horrific crime to police, who later found Leon’s mutilated body at Hernandez’s home. According to police, Hernandez had recently had an abortion that she regretted and planned to kidnap a baby to pass off as her own.

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