Monday 8 December 2014

British Businessman Shrien Dewani Murder Case Thrown Out Of Court...

British businessman Shrien Dewani has been dramatically cleared of the murder of his honeymoon bride Anni.

Judge Jeanette Traverso dismissed the case against Dewani after roundly condemning the evidence of the chief prosecution witness.

Announcing her ruling, the judge said: ‘The accused is found not guilty of this charge.’

Giving her ruling in Cape Town on an application by Dewani’s defence lawyer Francois van Zyl to dismiss the prosecution, Judge Traverso said cab driver Zola Tongo’s claims about the murder of Anni Dewani were ‘riddled with contradictions’ and ‘highly debatable’.

The judge said the evidence presented by the prosecution fell ‘far below’ the required threshold.

She said the only reason not to grant the application would be in the hope that Dewani would implicate himself if he gave evidence .

But to do so would be a ‘manifest misdirection’, she said

Dewani, who was finally extradited this year to face trail accused of planning the murder of his wife in November 2010, listened intently as key evidence against him was criticised by the judge.

The decision to dismiss the case was a huge disappointment for the family of Mrs Dewani, 28, whose maiden name was Hindocha.

In a statement outside court, the family said: ‘We feel really, really sad because we have not heard the full story. Shrien lived a double life.’

Last week the Hindochas begged Dewani to ‘tell the world what happened the night she died’, with her brother Anish imploring him to take to the witness stand and tell his story for the first time.

Leaving the Cape Town court today after the judge ruled that would not be necessary, the Hindocha were clearly distraught and angry.

Dewani, who can now return to the UK a free man, breathed a large sigh of relief as Judge Traverso cleared him.

He heard the judge declare that the evidence from the three criminals already convicted over his bride’s murder was ‘so improbable, with so many mistakes, lies and inconsistencies you cannot see where the lies ended and the truth begins’.

She said the evidence of Tongo, who testified against Mr Dewani after entering a plea bargain, was ‘riddled with contradictions’, while others had lied on oath.

Members of Dewani’s family wept and embraced as the wealthy businessmen left the dock swiftly via the holding cells. Anni’s family bowed their heads amid shouting from the public gallery.

Dewani, 34, has always denied plotting with others to murder his bride, whose lifeless body was found in the back of a taxi in a rough township, on November 14, 2010.

Three men – Tongo, Mziwamadoda Qwabe and gunman Xolile Mngeni – have already been convicted for their part in Anni’s murder, when the Dewanis’ chauffeur-driven late-night tour of a township was hijacked.

Prosecutors said bisexual Mr Dewani, from Westbury-on-Trym near Bristol, had long planned to get out of the relationship to Swedish-raised Anni, and arranged the attack in which he would escape unharmed and Anni would be killed.

But Dewani’s defence team criticised prosecution witnesses and said the case against him was weak.

The ruling brings to an end a four-year wait for Dewani and his family to clear his name – a battle which has included lengthy spells in mental health units, lurid allegations about his private life, and fighting extradition from the UK to face justice.

Dewani has yet to comment publicly on the case since extradition proceedings began, three weeks after the death.

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