Wednesday 10 December 2014

Gay Couples To Convert Their Civil Partnerships To Marriage...

Same-sex couples who entered into civil partnerships will be able to convert them into marriage from today.

The first 10 couples will make the conversion in Brighton today after a change to the law.

Ian Scott, 70, and Ron Williams, 82, from Brighton, whose civil partnership took place in January 2006, are among the couples taking part today.

Mr Scott said: ‘We are elated. We never thought it was something which would happen in our lifetime.’

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has praised the change to the Marriage Act as further progress for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) equality in the UK, and said: ‘I am proud that couples can finally convert their civil partnerships to marriage.’

Ten registrars will take the couples through the administrative process simultaneously in separate offices at Brighton Town Hall at 10am, a Brighton and Hove City Council spokeswoman said.

All 10 couples will be given a commemorative certificate to mark their involvement in the day’s celebration, she added.

Mr Clegg said: ‘Today is another celebration for LGBT rights in this country, but as ever it’s a reminder that there are people across the world living under much less fortunate conditions, facing discrimination and persecution on a daily basis.

‘So as we raise a glass to those making their vows, we send a message of solidarity to LGBT people everywhere.’

There is no legal ceremony as part of the conversion process but Brighton and Hove Register Office will offer couples the opportunity to mark the change to marriage with a celebratory ceremony.

Linda Holm, superintendent registrar, said about 150 couples have already booked to convert their civil partnerships into marriages.

She said: ‘It has been an absolute privilege to lead the registrar team through this year of historic changes in the law and to achieve greater equality for same sex couples.

‘We have been contacted by many couples keen to book with us to convert their civil partnership to marriage.

‘So we chose to offer the chance to be the first to do so to as many couples as possible.

‘We have had an enormous amount of interest with bookings from about 150 couples so far.

‘We are delighted that we are able to have such a key role in helping civil partners become legally married.’

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