Tuesday 16 April 2013

President Rep Raps Jay-Z For Brag

Jay-Z’s learnt a lesson not to brag about his powerful friends. The rapper has been given a dressing down by the White House after claiming Barack Obama had been doing him personal favours. Earlier this month Jay and wife Beyonce got into trouble for travelling to Cuba – which is technically forbidden for US citizens.

To hit back, this week he released a song called Open Letter making exaggerated hip-hop boasts which has landed him in hot water with pal Barack.

He rapped: “Boy from the hood but got White House clearance / Obama said, ‘Chill, you gonna get me impeached’ / But you don’t need this s*** anyway/ Chill on the beach.”

Obama’s spokesman, Jay Carney, was asked about the lyrics soon after and angrily said: “It’s a song. I am absolutely saying that the White House and the President had nothing to do with anybody’s personal travel to Cuba.”

Jay-Z has previously campaigned for the president, who says he has the rapper’s songs on his iPod. And Beyonce also sang – mimed – at his second inuaguration in January.

Insisting that a different department, the Treasury, approves trips for US citizens travelling to Cuba, Carney said: “I guess nothing rhymes with Treasury.”

He’s right, though – Jay-Z could have gone with a few half rhymes – celery, feathery or leathery.

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