Tuesday 16 April 2013

Mother Charges With Child Abuse In Bobcat Attack

A woman in Carlsbad has been arrested on child abuse charges after she held her son while he was attacked by a bobcat at the zoo. Amber Lavail was at the zoo today to find out how this happened. 
                            click to watch video here:
Investigators say twenty-two year old Courtney Hutchins hopped a protective barrier with her son trying to get closer to the bobcats. According to the criminal complaint Hutchins brother, the little boy's uncle, told police they were petting the cats. 

A bobcat reached out with it's paw, grabbed the boy by the head and pulled him towards the fence. the boy needed eight staples in is head to close the wound. we looked today and found the only way to get around the barrier is to climb over it. 

"the railing and the fence are separated by a two foot gap filled with cactus." 

Zoo officials say if you stay behind the barrier you should be safe. Hutchins says she did not see any of these signs reading for your own safety please stand behind the blue railing. She has been arrested and charged with child abuse. 

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