Wednesday 26 September 2012

School teacher runs away with pupil!!!

"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well" - by Aristotle. But this is not the case of a married school teacher who runs away with a girl of 15 from his school.

Megan Stammers ran away with 30 years old maths teacher Jeremy Forrest. The pair were seen boarding a ferry from Dover to Calais. 

Mr. Forest wrote about the crisis in his personal life in a blog. He wrote: ' About a week ago I had a bit of moral dilemma to deal with, both internally and externally. And the overriding question it left me with was this: How do we, and how should we, define what is right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable? 

'I came to a few different conclusions, mainly that actually we get a lot of things wrong, but at the end of the day I was satisfied that if you can look yourself in the mirror and know that, under all the front, that you are a good person, that should have faith in your own judgement.'

Their relationship has been going on for a while and was been investigated seven months ago by local authorities. Classmates of Megan's also told teachers in February that the teenager and the teacher had been holding hands on a return flight after a school trip to Los Angeles in February. 'They would always text each other. He would send her messages saying things like "I miss you" and "I can't wait to hug you",' the friend, also 15.  

'We are really angry the school did not do enough to protect Megan. And now no one knows where she is or if she's coming back.'

They added: 'I don't know how it all started with Mr Forrest but to begin with she was really excited about it.

'She would tweet about being in love and show us his texts. But after it was reported she stopped and then deleted her Twitter account. She never spoke about it after that and she didn't tell any of us that she was leaving. She probably knew we would stop her.'

Parents please keep watch on your teenage daughters!!!


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